Lunch & Learn: Fire by Friction

To stay connected while we work from home, we introduced a Curare Culture experience: Lunch & Learn! Every Wednesday at 12:30, our employees have been eating their lunch and learning something new together. Our talented team members have been presenting quick lessons on their hobbies, ranging from knitting, to BBQ, to caring for house plants.

In our most recent Lunch & Learn, Corbin Baird, Consultant Development Manager, and his daughter Maya taught us how to make a fire without a lighter or a spark! Corbin and Maya discussed how to make fire by friction, explained the components of the tools used, and demonstrated how to make a coal, and a FIRE! Keep reading to learn the steps.

“This method of making fire is astounding. You’ll be amazed when you blow that coal into a flame right in your hands!” – Corbin Baird

Maya and Corbin, getting ready to make the fire!


Corbin was so happy to share this amazing skill with the Curare team. Maya has been deeply involved in nature connection and skills since she was seven, and is an intern at the Tracker School in New Jersey.

They want to share the process with all of our Curare blog readers.

Parts Needed: Bow and string, Handhold, Spindle, Fireboard. Tinder Bundle

Once your parts are assembled and your fireboard is prepared, here are the steps:

1. Assemble the spindle in the bow, and place it into your pre-made hole on the fireboard.

2. Slowly start to pull the bow back and forth, letting your spindle warm up gaining speed and friction until you get to a steady rhythm. Once you see smoke, you know you’re making progress!

3. Give it a few moments to settle, lightly tapping the fireboard, before removing it to show your newly-formed coal.

4. Lightly brush your hand above it to feed the coal oxygen. Let it form for a few more moments, then gently place it into your pre-made tinder bundle.

5. Close the bundle lightly around the coal and blow into it until you have FIRE! Place the now burning bundle into your fire structure.


“I created Lunch & Learn to bring a sense of fun and team-building into our world during this time. Community culture is an important part of keeping our team strong. We have had an awesome time learning new things about each other!” – Sami Ezzo, Director of Operations